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Camping is permitted in many of Queensland's National Parks, State Forests and Reserves. Detailed information on camping (including smoking restrictions) is available on the Department’s website Camping Page.

The search fields allow you to search by entering the name of a park or camping area, or you can select a Queensland tourism region to explore somewhere new! Select your arrival date and number of nights you wish to camp for, and press Search. You can also refine your search using the two optional search fields for access and accommodation.

You can modify an existing permit up to 2 full days prior to the permit start date by selecting 'Your Account > Purchases > All Bookings'. Changes can be made to your arrival or departure dates, and number of people camping each night. If you wish to change your camping permit location details you need to cancel your original permit and make a new booking.

Navigate to the top level of the map to view all regions and places
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